What's in your mind when you see the trash? Generally regarded as a waste of all things that are not useful. The remaining goods are removed and not considered to have more benefits. The trash that is not in place is very harmful and can cause environmental pollution.
In the big city waste is a problem that so complicated. The end of the limited waste disposal and the increasing population caused a lot of waste is not removed in place, such as rivers. As a result, the rainy season in the case of natural flooding. Trash can be better managed with a simple technology and technology that have been advanced.
To manage waste should be separated between the first organic waste and non-organic waste.
Organic waste such as food residue, leaves, and dirt can be used as a raw material for compost. While non-organic waste such as plastic, glass and paper can be recycled into useful products.
For example plastic, can be described ore back into raw materials for plastic buckets, kitchen equipment and so forth.
Later this waste such as plastic, paper and the recycling and serve as souvenirs, or goods that have economic value. Let's save the environment and take advantage of the goods that we may not consider valuable.
What is the influence of global warming to poverty? Of course there is. We first see what the causes and consequences of global warming.
According to the Fourth Assessment Report, issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), reported that 90% human activity during the last 250 years to make the earth hot. IPCC also concluded that 90% of greenhouse gases produced by the human, such as carbon dioxide, metana, oxide and nitrous oxide, especially during these 50 years, dramatically increase the temperature of Earth. Before the industry, human activity does not issue a lot of greenhouse gases, but growing population, illegal logging, livestock industry, and the use of fossil fuels cause the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases, and contribute to the global warming.
The cause of global warming is carbon emissions from human activities, namely:
1. Animal Husbandry (The use of fossil fuels in the farm accounts for 90 million tons of CO2 each year, diesel or LPG example, over the land used for farming accounts for 2.4 billion tons of CO2 each year)
2. Of Energy (energy sector is an important source of greenhouse gases, especially because the energy generated from fossil fuels, like oil, gas, and coal).
3. Industry (Donations to the industrial sector emissions of greenhouse gases to reach 19.4%. Most of the industrial sector is derived from the use of fossil fuels to generate electricity or the production of C02 directly as part of the production process, for example in the production of cement. Almost all greenhouse gas emissions from the industrial sector comes from the iron industry, steel, chemicals, fertilizer, cement, glass, ceramics, and paper).
4. Agriculture, illegal logging, transportation, commercial buildings and trash.
The causes of various factors, global warming caused the increase in surface air temperature at the earth and sea, which then give the impact of climate change.
Climate change is happening so that the failed harvest decrease of agricultural production and enhance food commodity prices. Many fishermen who can not catch fish because of high waves. The supply of food commodities, the more limited and more and more people who lost their jobs (from agricultural land and sea), lead to the occurrence of hunger in many places and of course the number of poor people around the world was increasing.
Making compost is The decomposition and organic materials in the biological thermophilic temperatures (high temperature) with the results of the final form of the material is good to apply to the land. Making compost can be done in a clean and without the noise in and outside the room.
Technology of making compost is very diverse, both aerobic and anaerobik, with or without additional material. Additional material used as compost Activator Green Phoskko Organic Decomposer and SUPERFARM (Effective Microorganism) or using worms to get compost (vermicompost). The superiority of the process of making compost, among others, the technology is simple, the cost of handling a relatively low, and can handle the amount of garbage in the lot (depending on the area of land).
Making an aerobic compost can be the most effective way, as easy and cheap to do, and do not need a control process that is too difficult. Carried out by the decomposition of microorganisms in the material itself with the help of air. While making the compost anaerobik utilize microorganisms that does not require air for the degradation of organic materials.
The end result of making compost is a material that is needed for the purposes of agricultural land, as an effort to improve the nature of chemistry, physics and biology of land, so that the production plants to be higher. Compost produced from the making of the compost bin can be used to strengthen the structure of the critical area, as the cover material in the waste end of waste disposal, beach eclamation post-mining, as the media and the plant, and reduce the use of chemical fertilizers.
The raw material of making compost is all the organic material containing carbon and nitrogen, such as animal dung, leaves, the city garbage, mud and liquid waste management industry.
According to something I read recently, the global temperatures of the earth have increased on average of 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degrees Celsius) since the late 1800s, which means to me that global warming is real and not going away anytime soon.
I believe many people believe the realities of global warming and want to do something to help. Every little bit helps and if you are like me and want to do something to do your part to help reduce global warming here are some ideas that you can implement today.
Compost Food Waste When you discard your food waste it simply goes into the trash and then hauled away to your local landfill. Once there it begins to rot which is a release of methane gas. Methane is a contributor to global warming. Sure that leftover bowl of spaghetti may not seem like much that you are throwing away, but imagine the other 6 billion people on the planet that are doing the same thing. It does add up. Instead compost that food waste by burying it. Dig a hole about 2 to 3 feet deep and bury it. You are doing two things here. First you are reducing waste that goes to your landfill and second your supplying food to earthly creatures such as worms, bacteria and fungi. These creatures will eat your food waste and in turn produce castings that are nutrient rich for the soil. Methane doesn’t get released into the atmosphere and you help your soil.
Reduce Driving The emissions from automobiles are one of the leading causes of global warming. Until cleaner fuels become more main stream we must use other methods to help in reduction. Be smarter with your driving practices. Combine trips when you go out. Car pool to work with others. When you are at a drive thru, such as the bank, turn the car off while you wait. These are just a few ways you can reduce your car’s emissions. Obviously not driving at all is the best solution, but it is impractical for the majority of people.
Be Smart with Electric The majority of electric generated in the world is done so through burning fossil fuels such as coal. Burning fossil fuels emits carbon dioxide, so it goes without saying that the more electric we use the more coal we have to burn and the more Carbon Dioxide we generate. Therefore take steps to be more “electrically efficient” around the home. Change you light bulbs to the new energy efficient fluorescent bulbs. Unplug any and all appliances that you are not using to ensure that no power is being drawn. Turn off lights in rooms that you are not in. Replace those really old appliances with newer energy efficient ones.
There are many ways you can help reduce carbon dioxide production and emission into our atmosphere. With it being one of the major contributors to global warming we can and must do our part to at least slow it down. I have given you three ways in which you can start to help today. By educating yourself on more ways and sharing those ways with others we will be well on our way to a safer climate for generations to come.
If you use electricity, chances are that you could reduce your electricity bill by making a few simple changes. And who doesn't use electricity? So, here are three things that you can do to slash your electricity bill. 1. Think about the way that you use electricity at home. Do you leave on lights or appliances in rooms that you are not even in? Do you make turning off lights when you leave a room a habit? Do you sometimes leave on the TV when you are not even watching it? Do you ever leave your computer on when you're not using it without putting it into power-save mode? Think about everything in your house that uses electricity, such as lights, TVs, and stereos, and make sure you only use them when you need to, in order to eliminate wasted energy (that you pay for). Turn off lights in rooms that you are not in, TVs that you are not watching, and computers and stereos that you're not using. If you don't turn off your computer when you're not using it, at least put it into power-save mode or turn off the monitor. Making these changes will do a lot to lower those electricity bills. 2. Consider investing in energy-saving power utilities, such as light bulbs. Replacing your incandescent light bulbs with energy-saving options, such as fluorescent bulbs, will reduce your electricity bill by using less energy. I would recommend energy-saving, full-spectrum light bulbs as a replacement for incandescent bulbs, and a better option than compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. 3. Use your appliances more efficiently: • Only use the washing machine when you have a full load of clothes to wash. • Minimize the use of the geyser. • Use your air conditioner as little as possible. When it's hot outside, keep the temperature at the highest possible temperature that still keeps you cool. When it's cold, keep the air conditioner at the lowest temperature that still keeps you warm. That's our three tips for saving money on your electricity bill! If you start making these energy-saving tips into habits, you should definitely start seeing reduced electricity bills.